Subject: Friend, which one are you: simply existing or living?

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I believed I was going to die (the initial prognosis wasn't good).  So much so that I visualized my funeral - including what it would look like and who would be there.

One question kept running through my mind: what would people say about me?  Contrary to what you may think, I wasn't all that freaked out by my visualization.  But I was deeply disturbed by my question.  Because I didn't have an answer.

And even worse: I had regrets.  Regrets about all the things I hadn't done (mostly because I'd deemed them too risky).  I knew that my life hadn't been lived well enough - I'd been playing too small.  That's when I started to re-think what risk meant to me (and it's what eventually lead me into coaching).

I've talked a lot lately about how to face your fears and start living your life on purpose through your values.  Maybe you're happy and content - and there's no deep craving for something "more".  If that's you, then celebrate and break into a happy dance (seriously).

But maybe it isn't.  Maybe you're not happy, content, or satisfied with your life, what you do for a living, and/or who you even are.  Maybe you're simply existing and going through the motions (instead of LIVING).

If that's you, then I've got a few questions for you....

If you keep going through the motions and simply existing, who will you eventually become?  And what regrets will you one day (inevitably) have?
I listened to that voice in my head after I recovered from my cancer - because I'd already learned the hard lesson of what happens when you don't listen to it.

Early in my legal career, I felt directionless and unhappy.  And I had a voice inside my head screaming "DO SOMETHING ALREADY".  But I pushed it deep down because I knew listening to it would mean change - and that terrified me.

But I eventually became more terrified of who I was becoming while “going through the motions” than what I might find by listening to that voice.

And guess what? It turns out that I was making the solution out to be way more complicated, difficult, and “heavy” than it needed to be. I had convinced myself that finding my “purpose” would require me to “start over” and even reinvent myself.

But that's not necessarily true.  Finding purpose is about living your life ON PURPOSE through your core values to be who you were MADE TO BE. I didn’t need to reinvent myself – I just needed to BE MYSELF.  And I used my core values as my guide to build a thriving legal practice that I loved.

Did I eventually make sweeping changes?  Of course (leaving my 18+ legal career behind to start a new venture is pretty big).  But it really wasn't all that difficult to do - because I knew I was following my values and doing the right thing. Plus, I made small + incremental shifts over several years that added up to some pretty big changes.  And I was in control the entire way.

What about you?

Are you ready to start listening to that voice inside your head so that you don't end up a shell of who you're meant to be?  If you are, and would like some support around it, I invite you to a complimentary Clarity + Confidence Makeover Assessment (available on a first-come basis until spots fill up).

In this free Assessment, we'll dive into exactly where you are (and WHY) and the EXACT NEXT STEP to get you unstuck (and out of worry and fear) so that you can get into action and:
  • Take control of your life;
  • Start to uncover your path forward; and
  • Have faith in yourself and your decisions (no more second guessing).
This call is a short (yet powerful) no-sales conversation where we'll dive deep and get to the heart of what's going on (and why) so that you can start getting into action.  No more dreaming about how much better your life should be - it's time to start achieving.

If you're not interested or ready, no worries.  But if you're being pulled to make a change and ignoring it - I challenge you to start doing something (even if not with me).  Because you'll never feel "ready". 

Courage is about taking the next step regardless of the fear you feel inside.  You have the courage within - all you need to do is take that first step.

Believing in YOU!


Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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