Subject: Presentation secrets (you need to know)

Presentation secrets (you need to know)

June 25th, 2024 at 8:01 am CDT

View onlineThe dreaded business presentation. Maybe you don’t dread them but I used to. Until I forced myself to start speaking and giving workshops (often). I’ve learned that anyone can become a good speaker and give great presentations. But it ...

What are you really communicating?

June 18th, 2024 at 8:01 am CDT

View onlineStop looking in the mirror.Don’t fold your arms so much.Look people in the eye when speaking. Said with love by my grandmother, Mimaw. She was the embodiment of grace and confidence, and I wanted to learn everything I could from her. So, ...

Hard is actually the norm

June 11th, 2024 at 8:01 am CDT

View onlineWe humans love to chase what feels easy. But most of the time, what we choose isn’t easier (it just means less work in the moment with a bigger downside later on). For example… Losing weight is hard.Not losing weight (you're told you n ...

Popularity vs. Character (which do you choose?)

June 4th, 2024 at 8:01 am CDT

View onlineThe human brain wants to belong. Which can be a good thing since belonging brings purpose and contentment. But ask yourself… Can that need cause you to do things you later regret? [Short answer? Yes.] Think back to your Middle School (ev ...