Subject: You deserve to feel... (this)

You deserve to feel... (this)

September 28th, 2021 at 8:00 am CDT

Picture this... Holding conference calls from bed. Attempting to draft large documents on my laptop while lying down. It was May 2005, and I was on bed rest thanks to pre-term labor contractions. Instead of taking time off to rest, I acted as if I c ...

needs to be said (part 2)

September 21st, 2021 at 8:00 am CDT

With sweaty palms, I sent this email around last October knowing that it would ruffle some feathers. [In the event you don't want to go back and read it, the gist is this: if you want the world to be better, don't complain about it or point fingers. ...

Did you see this? (How to feel content)

September 17th, 2021 at 3:32 pm CDT

I rarely resend emails that were sent out earlier in the week. But today I'm breaking my rule because of how often I see this holding my clients back. *****Two boring parents. Very little house-hold drama (other than the occasional boy-crazed outburs ...

Do you do this too?

September 14th, 2021 at 8:00 am CDT

Two boring parents. Very little house-hold drama (other than the occasional boy-crazed outburst from her older sister). Every time she complained about her family I'd think. . . at least you don't have to worry about what time (or whether) your mom ...

Moving on

September 7th, 2021 at 8:00 am CDT

With a big smile (I've never before seen in such a serious woman), she looked me in the eye to say "Heather, you've graduated." This is what my oncologist said at my annual appointment last Thursday. Not understanding what she was talking about, I a ...