Subject: You're being lied to (daily)

The good news is you can do something about it.

Did you know that you're being lied to - probably every single day?

Don’t worry, this is NOT about how the media, politicians or other less savory people are being dishonest.

It’s actually about… You.

More specifically, your inner voice.

The voice that says things like:

  • You’ll be judged for an outside-the-box opinion (better not share it!).

  • There’s too much risk, you’ll fail (without giving any consideration to what’s possible).

  • You’re too old to get started (or too young!), so don’t bother.

I know the voice well.

During my first couple of years of legal practice, that voice constantly told me I wasn't smart enough (while comparing me to attorneys with 15+ years of experience).

After being promoted to partner, it told me I was a fraud because I didn’t yet have a big book of business (even though I was at the starting block for building my own book).

Every time I started to feel settled, it would remind me of all the things that could go wrong. Any time a new opportunity came my way, it listed all the reasons why I couldn't or shouldn't.

Thankfully, I've learned how to tame my inner voice (even make friends with her). Which is why I'm here today and not still practicing law, wishing things were different.

How do you relate to your inner voice, Friend?

Remember that the human brain doesn't like to feel vulnerable or uncertain. That's when the voice kicks in. It thinks it is protecting you but it isn't because...

The voice isn't telling the truth.

Even when there's some nugget of truth, it's conveniently forgetting what is possible, what can be learned and your full potential.

Don’t give that voice the final word.



P.S. For a bit of inspiration on following your own path (and also some great business/financial advice for service providers), listen to this week’s Life & Law Podcast with guest Leah Miller. Listen to Law Firm Profitability Secrets >>>here.

Work With Heather

Want help with changing how you relate to your inner voice so that you can achieve big things within your law practice this year?

Here’s how I can help.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.