Subject: Your [super simple] tip for the week

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Now, on to the good stuff...

STOP what you're doing right now, Friend, and take 30 seconds to pay attention to how you're breathing.  

Notice the rhythm of your breathing.  Is it fast-paced or slow?  Erratic or rhythmic? 

Also be aware of how deeply you're breathing.  Are you taking deep breaths into your diaphragm or are you taking short, choppy breaths in your chest?

Perhaps you've been holding your breath without even realizing it.

Your breathing is a clue to how you feel in the moment, which is why I recommend paying more attention to it on a consistent basis.

Doing this consistently will help you become aware of stress, anxiety, and negative feelings more quickly (and hence more capable of taking control over them before you go into a downward spiral).

That means that the simple act of becoming more aware of your breathing will give you more control.

Pretty cool, don't you think?

Proven Benefits of Mindful Breathing

As you pay attention to your breathing and become aware of it, you'll start to take control over it and breathe more slowly and deeply.  It will become more rhythmic and calm.

And that has several BIG benefits, such as:
  • Bringing awareness to your thoughts.
  • Taking you out of a reactive, high-stress state and instead creating more calm, clear thought.
  • Releasing tension in the body.
  • Helping you feel more energized and positive.
Mindful breathing helps to anchor you into the present moment so that you can reset and become less emotionally reactive (and instead more calmly and rationally responsive).

It will also help you to be more focused (and hence productive).

This tip is super-simple and takes virtually no time.  Yet it's a powerful practice - especially if you want to be more in control of your life.  Because being in control is really about controlling your own thinking.

How to Be Less Stressed + More Resilient [Case Study]

I talk a lot about how to use techniques like the one above to help you manage (and even prevent) stress, take control of your thoughts, and become more mentally resilient.

But sometimes it's not enough.  Sometimes you need to see real-life examples of how to utilize these stress-busting, resilience-building techniques so that you can figure out how to make them work for you.

And that's EXACTLY why I wrote:

In this article, you'll learn:
  1. What stress management is really about (it's not just about stress relief).
  2. The mindset I worked hard to cultivate that allowed me to transform from a high-stress worrier to a mentally resilient bada** that's in control of her life and rarely feels stressed.
  3. The EXACT practices I used (and still use) that helped me cultivate and strengthen that mentality.
Go read the article here now so that you too can become a mentally resilient powerhouse who's fully in control and doesn't let stress get the better of you.

Before I leave you, I want to hear from you!  Reply to this email and tell me:
  • What you discovered (about your breathing, your thoughts, and/or yourself) when you took a moment to pay attention to your breathing.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Uncage Your Life

Are you unhappy and know you want (need) to change something in your career and/or life?  The problem is that you can't stop thinking "what if", "I can't", and "that's just not possible".  And so you do nothing and feel absolutely stuck.

It's time to Uncage Your Life.  With Uncage Your Life, you'll:
  • Parse through all those competing thoughts and get real about what's got you feeling stuck in indecision and self-doubt.
  • Discover ways to get past your roadblocks and start taking action to do something already.
  • Create a clear plan of action with your next few steps so that you can stop feeling trapped and instead move your career and life forward.
About Heather

I’m a certified coach and recovering attorney who specializes in helping successful-on-paper-yet-unfulfilled-in-life professionals create a balanced lifestyle that's fulfilling and fun without sacrificing their success.

Utilizing evidence-based tools and knowledge from the fields of neuroscience and psychology, I help my clients get clarity around their path to fulfillment while igniting their inner confidence and mental resilience to make their vision a reality.  

Together we uncomplicate life and transform it from feeling overwhelming and chaotic to free and fun!  Learn more about how to create success on your own terms here.
Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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