Subject: Your success as a lawyer

For private practice attorneys ready for more clients, more income, & more freedom (without the stress).

I’m known for being direct, so I’ll get to the point. And I want to save you time - this email isn’t for everyone.

If you’re an attorney in private practice:

  • Frustrated with your business development ROI given your time invested,

  • Struggling to grow your practice (worried about the impact of the looming recession),

  • Feeling unsupported and overwhelmed trying to do it all on your own,

ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind is for you.

And if you want more clients, more originations, more income, more impact, and more recognition without spending every waking hour getting there (but instead while having more time and more balance too), ELEVATE is also for you.

Applications for ELEVATE are now open. And you are one of a select few that I'm offering early enrollment access to, which gives you:

  1. Monthly coaching with me beginning immediately (for up to 5 months of free coaching).

  2. The option to pay in two installments over time.

The early enrollment period ends next Friday and I don't want you to miss it if interested.

Schedule your early enrollment interview >>>here (this is a special link available to early enrollees ONLY) OR hit reply and we'll schedule something together.

An interview doesn't obligate you to anything. It's just a chance for us to talk, get your questions answered and determine if you're a fit.

My clients get the results they want - and more (see the testimonials here for proof). It's time for you to see the results you want too.



P.S. Not interested in this round of ELEVATE? Click >>>here to stop receiving ELEVATE-specific emails.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.