Subject: Your real-life case studies

“I don’t know how to answer this question. I didn’t come close to achieving my original goals.”

I asked a client to list her achievements for the year, and because her initial goal had been abandoned, she considered herself a failure.

But after a bit of discussion, she realized she learned a lot about herself in exploring - and then letting go of - her original goal (including that she isn't willing to sacrifice herself or her relationships to be a "successful" entrepreneur).

Going after her original goal only to discover it's not what she wants enabled her to learn a lot about WHO she is and HOW she wants to show up in life.

The takeaways, Friend?

#1: Wins can't always be measured in numbers.

We tend to measure wins based on goal achievement (and meeting certain predetermined numbers). But not all wins have numbers attached to them.

Pay attention to those wins. They're usually the most important ones.

#2: You can't always know without trying.

When you go big in a goal or want to make a big change to your life, there's no way to know how it will impact you, your relationships or your life. Which means you must try it out to see if it's a fit.

Trying something only to discover it's not what you want isn't a failure. It's called exploring.

Lesson #3: Life is about failing forward.

Big goals - and big changes - mean being challenged. Which will result in some wrong choices and mistakes.

But mistakes, missteps and wrong choices aren't failures. They're how you discover what you DO want, and all the things you’re capable of.

My client is a clear case-study on how important it is to try new things and allow yourself to be challenged (even wrong) so you can grow.

Which is why I brought this special person onto the podcast - along with her fellow mastermind members - today.

Join me to find out how these 3 amazing women have navigated their way through growth, change and even letting go. They’ll inspire YOU to do the same (because you can).

Listen >>>here.



P.S. The women interviewed in today’s podcast are part of my current mastermind (ELEVATE). If you’re an attorney wanting support to grow your practice, ELEVATE was designed for you.

Learn more about it and apply >>>here. But hurry because doors close next week.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.