Subject: Your need to know

I can’t possibly take another week off (I thought).

It was the Monday after Thanksgiving.

I had the flu.

And I’d already taken the previous 2 weeks off - the prior week (for Thanksgiving) and the week before that unexpectedly (courtesy of a flu-like, non-flu illness).

[Mid-November through mid-December was brutal in the Moulder household.]

I needed to reschedule at least 8 appointments (some for the second time in a matter of weeks), and tried to convince myself I could push forward.

After obsessing over it for an hour, I finally relented.

And spent the next 6 days in bed, binging on Christmas movies while snuggling with my cat Boots.

As a society, we talk about self-care a lot these days. To the point where we have a checklist of things-to-do in order to take proper care of ourselves.

Exercise daily... Check.

Eat 3 healthy meals per day... Check.

Get 7+ hours of sleep... Check.

Meditate... Check.

Practice some gratitude...Check.

And so on.

Are these all good things?


But there are some problems with the self-care checklist:

  • It starts to feel tedious.

  • You forget to be creative.

  • You (falsely) believe you've done it all once you've checked everything off your list.

And sometimes self-care is letting go of doing these things. Because sometimes you just can't (like when you have the flu).

Self-care is whatever you need - in any given moment - to BE well mentally, physically and spiritually. What you need changes daily (sometimes hourly).

And there's no reason to feel guilty for prioritizing your wellbeing, Friend.

This was a lesson I thought I knew (but obviously needed to be reminded of).

Want to know what else I learned last year, including how “do it anyway” became my mantra? Listen to this week’s podcast episode >>>here.



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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.