Subject: Your foundation to everything you want

Take ownership…

Of your role.

Of the project/matter.

Of your choices (and the results of those choices).

Taking ownership is drilled into us lawyers (and pretty much every other professional out there). But there’s something missing:

Your mindset.

You can't take full ownership of anything else without first taking ownership of your mind.

How you think impacts what you think. What you think determines what you see as options. Both determine your choices.

Your mindset is what determines whether you see things as:

I can’t... "This is the way it is."

I must... "This is the nature of the beast."

I need/have to... "I have no choice."


I can do this or at least try (even if imperfectly).

There are many options.

I can say “no” to this.

In my experience, feeling stuck without choice is mostly a mindset problem (not a circumstance issue).

So, how do you take ownership of your mindset and regain perspective?

#1: Become self-aware of (and responsible for) how you speak to yourself.

Empower yourself with better language.

Use proven tools (like the ones found in my Legal Mindset Mastery Toolkit here) to help you become more self-aware and change your habits.

#2: Get outside of your bubble.

Talk to people who think differently than you do - both within and outside of your profession.

When I first joined a mastermind of fellow entrepreneurs, I remember how exciting it felt to find people who thought (very) differently from most lawyers.

They saw marketing/selling as helping instead of something to shy away from. And they also believed in hiring experts to help them achieve their business goals (lawyers have a lot of trouble even admitting they need help, much less hiring people to help them).

Having conversations with these entrepreneurs challenged my thinking and shifted my perspective.

It's what I needed to start my podcast and create the business I have now (one that I love).

You can do this, too, Friend.

Take ownership of your career and life by taking ownership of your mind.



Are you an attorney ready to take ownership of your law practice + life?

Schedule a call to talk about how I can help here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.