Subject: Your choice

Last week I talked about how my fear of success has been holding me back from starting my podcast.  What I didn't mention is that starting a podcast has been in the back of my mind for almost 2 years.

But it was never the right time because. . .
  • I was busy,
  • I needed more experience,
  • I wanted to be a better marketer first,
  • I needed to focus on SEO before getting into podcasting,
  • And the list goes on.
[I think I was waiting for a ray of light to shine down on me from heaven with God’s (James Earl Jones-like) voice saying. . . “Heather, it is TIME.”]

I'd forgotten how many reasons *excuses* I had not to get started.  

Until I was reminded by a client who's trying to decide whether to leave her (relatively safe but unfulfilling) job for a new opportunity (that's likely to require more work in the short-term).

Her kids are pretty young, and she noted that perhaps it would be better to wait until her kids are older (because it'll be easier then).

Sorry, but nope.

People often cloud their judgment as to whether something is the right opportunity by using the excuse that it's not the right time.  Don't do that, Friend!

There's always going to be a reason why now isn't a good time.  And the thing is. . . YOU pick the right time.

Instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in that excuse, assume that now is a good time and evaluate whether it's the right opportunity.

The jury's still out as to whether it's the right opportunity for my client.  But what I do know is that now is as good of a time as any to make a change (she's long wanted to make).

What have you been putting off because it's not the right time, Friend?  If you're ready to make it happen, here's how I can help.



P.S. Curious about the podcast? I'll be giving you all the details next week!

P.P.S.  Sorry to burst the hopes of all the young parents out there, but parenting older kids is just as (maybe even more) time-consuming as parenting young children.  In all honesty, they need you around even more as they get older ;-).

Articles (On The Blog)

For more about how to move forward even though you don't feel ready, read:
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a semi-stoic.  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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