Subject: You say you want this (but do you)?

Every lawyer (and pretty much every high-achiever) I’ve ever met says they want to be better at managing their time. But dig deeper and it's apparent that’s not quite true.

What they really want is control over their time.

Do you also want more control of your time, Friend?

Are you certain?

I ask because I’m willing to bet you’re working hard to please other people. So that you're liked. And respected. And also not judged.

The secret to taking control of your time isn't about adopting yet another time management or productivity hack. It's about prioritizing the things you want to prioritize.

Which requires you to stop trying to please everyone (or needing to be liked by everyone).

IF you truly want to take control of your time you need strong boundaries that are enforced. And also, personal standards for yourself that you actually honor (without excuse).

What does this look like from a practical standpoint?

  • Telling a colleague to stop barging in when your door is closed (and refusing them when they do).

  • Saying no when you’re too busy to take on a project (and standing strong).

  • Not habitually agreeing to reshuffle your schedule for others.

  • Terminating a demanding client (who constantly asks you to write off your time).

  • Making time to workout, go to the doctor, have lunch with a dear friend, attend your daughter's recital, and so on (at the expense of something less important).

These things are all pretty simple yet they’re uncomfortable.

Which is what makes them so hard for most of us to do.

But here’s the thing: there’s discomfort either way.

Which discomfort do you prefer?

If you’re ready to take control of your time, be sure to listen to this week’s Life & Law Podcast about How To Reclaim Your Time (In 5 Steps) >>>here.



P.S. Are you an attorney struggling to grow your business at least partly because of lack of time? Check out how ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind can help you take control of your time AND your practice here.

If you're considering ELEVATE, be sure to apply before it's too late. Doors close at the end of this week and won't reopen for another year. Apply now here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.