Subject: You need to know this

Feel like you should be further along? Here's what you need to do in order to move forward and stop feeling that way.

I should be further along by now.

That was me a couple of years ago as I reviewed my revenues for the year.

When I started my coaching/consulting business, I thought I was being realistic about how long it would take to become established (two years).

But here I was three years later feeling behind.

Turns out, I wasn’t wrong about the 2 years. It's just that the clock doesn't start to run until you know who you serve and market to those people.

Up to that point, I wasn't clear (at all). Once I niched down and started clearly speaking to my people... magic.

You might think clarity was the first step.

It wasn't. Something had to come first.

I needed to stop my brain from obsessing over feeling behind, thinking I should be further along than I was.

Because I was exactly where I should be.

I couldn't learn from my past decisions until I accepted that.

How about you, Friend? Do you ever…

  • Feel behind?

  • Think you should be further along?

  • Compare yourself to colleagues who have gotten where you want to go?

Meet yourself where you are. Let go of worrying about being "behind".

Because you're where you're supposed to be.

You can choose to accept where you are and learn from your experiences and decisions.

Or you can continue arguing with what is.

I hope you choose the former.

And if you're ready to move forward and make 2023 the best year possible...

I invite you to join me for my upcoming goal-setting workshop.

It takes place this Thursday at 12:30 pm EST via Zoom. Here's what we'll cover:

  • 5 common goal-setting mistakes to avoid.

  • The keys to setting motivating goals (that keep you going all year long).

  • Statistically proven strategies to increase your odds of goal achievement.

  • A goal-setting framework for goals that bring happiness + fulfillment.

Register for the workshop >>>here.



P.S. If you’re an attorney in private practice worried about the potential impact of a looming recession, learn how to recession-proof your business development in this week’s Life & Law Podcast >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Learn about how here.