Subject: You don't have to follow the crowd

Humans have a deep-seated desire (need?) to belong. Which - as discussed previously - can convince us to go along with the crowd.

This can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances.

Want to know one way to identify when it's bad? When your brain tells you to go with the crowd because it’s the “easy” thing to do.

For example…

Lawyers often mirror their colleagues when building their law practices. It feels "easy" to do what everyone else is doing (and lawyers don't like being judged, so don't want to do something "different").

But this is exactly why so many lawyers end up doing work that they never really wanted to do (for clients they don't even like). Talk about soul-crushing.

It's also why so many attorneys are terrible at building their own book of business.

Because the marketing tactics that work for one person won't be the same ones that work for another (the best marketing strategy is one that leverages your strengths and fits your personality).

What's your takeaway from this example?

Anytime your brain tries to convince you to do (or not do) something because that's what everyone else is doing, pause to take stock.

  • Ask whether this is what you really want.

  • Consider whether it feels easier due to a desire to belong.

  • Challenge any assumptions your brain is making.

That way, you can determine what’s best for you, Friend (and not accidentally end up somewhere you never wanted to be).



P.S. You know what else most lawyers do - at least partly because that's how it's always been done? Bill by the hour. Even though the billable hour is a huge reason so many attorneys are unhappy.

That is why I brought an expert onto the podcast to talk about an alternative way to think about - and price - legal services. Listen here.

Are you an attorney who is ready to grow your law practice your own way?

Learn how ELEVATE Attorney Business Growth Mastermind can help.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.