Subject: You don't have a productivity problem

Or a time management problem, either. Here is what's really going on (and how to fix it).

Client: I need to be more productive, learn to manage my time better.

I hear this all the time.

And typically (as in 99.99% of the time), they don't actually have a productivity or time management problem.

Instead, they need to tackle:

  • Mindset, and

  • Prioritization.

If you ever find yourself thinking or saying things like:

  • “If only there was more time in the day.”

  • “I need to learn how to better manage my time.”

  • “I wish I could be more productive.”

Ask why - what do you hope to gain by having more time and/or being more productive?

Because in my experience, the primary reason for these desires is the ability to do more of what's most important to you (and less of what's not as important).

And the reason you’re not devoting enough time to your true priorities is because you:

  • Believe you have to say yes (even when you want to say no).

  • Are trying to please others (at the expense of yourself).

  • Worry about disappointing other people (or what they’ll think).

This is a mindset issue (that leads to improper prioritization). And these two issues are a huge problem for us high-achievers.

Which is why this Thanksgiving week I am republishing two powerful early Life & Law Podcast episodes:

And for those of you celebrating Thanksgiving this week, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.