Subject: You can stop doing this

74% of private practice lawyers say the profession has had a negative impact on their mental health (reporting high levels of stress, anxiety and overwhelm).

When you consider that most lawyers work on high-stakes matters and are pressured to deliver quick results (and be right!), it shouldn’t come as a big surprise.

But this isn't just a lawyer problem.

In my experience, most high-achievers struggle with stress and anxiety. Because they're high-achievers (a/k/a perfectionist people-pleasers).

The real problem is the perfectionist people-pleasing part.

We high-achievers focus most of our attention trying to perfect our:

  • Leadership

  • Relationships

  • Parenting

  • Routines

  • Emotions

And anything else we can think of!

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in personal and professional growth. As a coach, it would be pretty weird if I didn’t.

But it’s important to remember that you're imperfect (which means every endeavor you take part in will also be imperfect).

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to excel.

Excellence isn’t about being perfect, it’s about doing your best. And imperfect progress is still progress.

Your brain will want to fall for this idealized version of perfection. Especially since social media is full of staged versions of people’s lives.

But these are not real.

Remind yourself that life is imperfect, people are imperfect, and you also are imperfect. All you can do is your best (which isn’t perfect either).

Let go of perfect, Friend. You’ll have more fun along the imperfect path of life that way.



P.S. There’s also a dangerous flip-side to striving to be perfect…

Holding yourself back because you don’t feel prepared enough or “ready”. That’s yet another reason to stop striving for perfection.

Are you a lawyer ready to excel (imperfectly)?

By building your ideal law practice around the life you actually want? We should chat.

Check out how I can help (and schedule a consult with me to chat) here.