Subject: You can do it, Friend

Heart pounding loudly, I held my breath. Two senior partners were comparing me to another associate (on the other side of paper-thin walls).

Although my peer wasn't known for stellar work product, he spoke his mind, asked partners to lunch and jockeyed for stretch assignments. He also said "no" when he felt overburdened (something other associates made fun of him for).

But apparently, he was "partner material".

I wasn't (even though they conceded I was a better technical attorney).

Say what?

The problem was I said "yes" to practically everything (often appearing overwhelmed), rarely asked for stretch assignments and didn't proffer my opinion unless asked directly.

I thought I needed to please everyone (which wasn't working so well).

A couple of years later, the same partners begged me to stay (promising I'd soon be promoted to partner).

What changed? I took ownership of my career and my results by:

  • Asking for tougher assignments.

  • Proffering up my opinions.

  • Checking in regularly for constructive criticism.

  • Creating boundaries for myself at work.

I’m known for my blunt honestly, so let me be clear about something…

Taking ownership is hard.

You might fail.

People might will judge you harshly.

And you'll probably hear things you don't like.

But it's worth it, Friend. Because you're capable of so much more.

That’s why I interviewed Suzi Hixon to discuss the surprising ways women often hold themselves back at work (and why boundaries are so important to success).

Go >>>here to find out how to create success on your terms.

Although Suzi shares her own story and what she's observed within female attorneys, this phenomenon isn’t limited to women lawyers. We all hold ourselves back from time to time.



P.S. Are you a private practice lawyer ready to take full ownership of your practice so you can exponentially grow your business (without the stress)? ELEVATE Attorney Mastermind is for you. Find out more >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.