Subject: You aren't a robot (so why do this?)

Yesterday was Monday. Did you feel reenergized, ready to take on the week?

Or were you tired - even exhausted?

Maybe you felt more exhausted than you did when the weekend started.

If that's you, I have some questions:

  • Did you work a lot (or most) of the weekend?

  • How often did you worry about looming deadlines?

  • Did you beat yourself up for not getting every to-do list item done?

  • Was your weekend jam-packed with personal errands, obligations and events?

The weekend isn't magically going to relax or rejuvenate you, Friend. You must spend actual time doing things that do that for you.

What your mind needs is...

S P   A C E

Including space for spontaneity.

So that your brain can clear out the clutter. And you can experience actual joy.

Starting this weekend, block off hours on your calendar for free space. And then use that time to do something that will relax or reenergize you (based on how you feel in the moment).

Remember to give yourself grace when it comes to your to-do list.

Because you're not a robot.

Unexpected things will come up.

Life happens.

Don't expect to always get every item on your to-do list marked off as planned.

Unfinished work and looming deadlines will continue to exist (they aren't going anywhere). Thinking about them will only exhaust you more.

Ready to reenergize your entire life (i.e., personally and professionally)? That's what I help my clients do. Book your free call to find out how I can help you here.



Life & Law Podcast Catch-Up

Need to catch up on the Podcast? Whether you're in private practice, in-house or not even an attorney, there's something here for you. Here are some recent favorites of mine (all are interviews with amazing guests):

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.