Subject: You Can't Have it All

Hey there, Friend.  I'm noticing a bit of a disturbing trend in my coaching practice (and in our culture) lately.

Despite the fact that many of us talk about how we can't "have it all", I'm finding more and more in my coaching business that people aren't really taking this to heart.

Because they're still trying to do "it all".  Which is impossible.

And there's an increasing trend toward convincing people that you can have and do anything you put your mind to - so long as you work hard enough and want it badly enough.

It's part of the "have it all" mantra that's being spewed haphazardly forth when giving advice to our kids these days.  Especially to girls.

But here's a bit of a reality check:  that isn't how the world works.

And my article today goes into why this is wrong (and truly bad advice).  And how to re-think it - for more success and happiness in life.

In today's article, you'll learn:

  1. Why you can't have or do it all - and why you don't even want it.
  2. How accepting that working hard and wanting something won't always lead to success can help you in life.
  3. How dropping the "have it all" and "you can do anything" mindset will help you be more successful in life.
Before you go read the article, I want you to consider how you've been defining success for yourself and whether you need to re-think it.  Because it should be defined by your standards (not society's).  Otherwise, you may be trying to have and do it all - without even realizing it.

To read You're Not Superwoman (or Superman), You Can't Have It All, and You Can't Do It All - But That's Okay, click here

Once done with reading the article, I want to hear from you.  Have you been trying to do too much and "have it all"?  If so, how are you re-thinking how you define success for yourself and what you want in life? 

Either let me know by replying to this email or (if you're feeling brave), let me know in the comments section of my article.  Your bravery may help others!

All my best,


P.S.  If you're struggling with overwhelm, exhaustion, and/or guilt from juggling your career + the rest of your life, or you're in a position where you know you need to transform your life but you're not sure how, let's chat.  All you have to do is schedule a complementary Balance Breakthrough Session here to take the first step toward taking control over your life and transforming it into one where you have peace, confidence and you know where you want to go and how to get there.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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