Subject: Would you be into this, Friend? (help me decide)

My oldest son (Zachary) plays competitive baseball. 

He's been with the same club the past few years, and last week the club sent an email explaining that all of the boys would need to try out again to make a team.

[Apparently, it gets even more competitive in high school.]

Most of the parents freaked out and started making loads of assumptions about what this meant.  But because I decided to go straight to our coach and ask some questions, I'm the only parent who seems to have a good handle as to what this means for my son and his chances with the organization moving forward.

Here's the thing: everyone makes assumptions (it's a very human trait).

The problem is that assumptions are often wrong.  This wastes time and energy and can lead you way off-track. It can also hurt (even ruin) relationships.

So, why do we assume?  It seems easier than having to confront someone or face inconvenient truths.  But although it might feel easier in the moment, I guarantee that it's not in the long-term.

It's time to ask yourself where you've been making assumptions, Friend.  Challenge them. Ask hard questions. Confront people (nicely) if needed.

That's so much better than assuming something that's wrong.

Before you go, I need your help so that I don't make any assumptions myself.  

Is This Of Interest?

For the last year, I've been thinking about creating a membership specifically for burnt-out professionals who want to regain their confidence and sense of purpose but don't have the bandwidth for 1:1 coaching.

My vision for the membership includes:
  • short weekly online lessons that are accessible at your convenience, build upon one another and take you step-by-step through my inside-out success framework (REWIRE, RECONNECT and REALIGN), 
  • deep-dive quarterly training sessions on topics of interest (such as overcoming impostor syndrome and dealing with stress at the holidays),
  • online weekly office hours for written feedback & coaching only when you need it,
  • a LIVE monthly group coaching call for those who want individual support.
This way you'll know what to do when without any overwhelm and will get the support + accountability you need (without a huge commitment that you don't have time for).

The best part about the membership would be the ability to shape the content and community, as I'd be getting input from you as a member.  Thus, it would be tailored to your needs and wishes.

All of this would be available to you for a monthly fee that's less than half the cost of a cup of coffee per day.

Although I've done some Q&A around this over the last year, it's not been enough. I've been assuming too much.

So, here's my question, Friend. . . Is this something you'd be interested in? And if so, what would you be looking to accomplish through the membership?

Please let me know by either: (1) hitting reply to this email or (2) going here to answer 2 short questions (anonymously if you want).

Please note that this doesn't obligate you to anything.  It's just a way for me to gauge interest.



About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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