Subject: Why willpower fails (every time)

That moment you try to hide the number on the scale (from your husband). Yes, that was me 9 months after giving birth to my 2nd child (Noah).

Although I'd lost some of my baby weight, I wasn't where I wanted to be. And I was nowhere near where I'd been at that point with my 1st child.

I felt like a failure (and was also angry with myself).

I kept thinking "Just DO what needs to be done, Heather."  Work out.  Eat healthier meals.  And for goodness sake, say "no" to all that bread.

Seems simple, and yet. . .
  • Instead of working out before work, I'd often hit snooze 4 times before getting out of bed. 
  • Any time my dear husband mentioned steak and cabernet, I was in! [And of course making homemade bread to go with such a grand meal.]
The problem was that I'd been relying on willpower (and had lost sight of the deeper reason WHY I wanted to lose weight in the first place).

Although willpower can help if used in short bursts, it's not recommended as your go-to. Because willpower - if relied upon regularly - will fail you (every time).

What I needed was to remember the deeper WHY. [Which apparently had almost nothing to do with fitting into my old clothes or feeling better about myself]. 

The good news is that once I reconnected to that deep why, I was able to lose those last 15 pounds (within the next 6 months). Slowly but safely. And feeling good about it the entire time.

How about you, Friend?  Have you ever set a goal but lost steam part-way there? 

Perhaps you've forgotten the deeper WHY (or never figured it out to begin with). When you connect to that, it motivates you to keep going and finish strong.

That's why today's (super short) Life & Law Podcast episode is all about how to connect to your deeper WHY in respect of any goal.

Listen here to learn how to use the 5-WHY Technique when setting & revisiting goals so that you can refocus and re-motivate yourself to achieve whatever it is that you want.



P.S. Turns out that my WHY for losing weight had nothing to do with how I looked or felt physically but instead revolved around being a good role model for my kids.

P.P.S. Today's Life & Law Podcast episode kicks off my summer series. For the month of August, I'm publishing short episodes that contain specific tools to help you create both success and balance (at the same time). Check out today's here.

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About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.  

Lover of queso & dark chocolate who's on a mission to help lawyers + other driven professionals transform from burned out to balanced so that you can make a more meaningful impact (both personally and professionally) while doing less, not more.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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