Subject: Why this matters so much

Figure it out, Heather. You’re the hot-shot partner now.”

That was my (former) mentor 5 months after being promoted to partner. I asked him a question, he wasn’t handling my promotion so well.

But although his delivery was total %*&@, he wasn't all wrong either. He was telling me it was time to step up and ACT like a partner.

Up to that point, something had been holding me back. What was that?

The same thing that holds you back, Friend (along with everyone else)...

Your thoughts.

Your thoughts are THE biggest impediment to achieving the things you want and becoming the person you want to be.

Because when you think things like…

  • They made a mistake promoting me (I don’t belong),

  • I’m too introverted to be good at networking,

  • I’m terrible at sales (it feels soooo awkward),

  • I needed more clients yesterday, it’s too late,

  • I’m overwhelmed by all the balls I’m trying to juggle,

Then you feel:

  • Inadequate

  • Small

  • Intimidated

  • Desperate (even hopeless)

  • Anxious

And you act out of inadequacy, smallness, intimidation, desperation and/or anxiety.

OR you end up doing nothing to try to make those feelings go away.

You see the problem?

This is why the foundation to all of my coaching revolves around mindset (whether you’re working to build your leadership skills, be more balanced or grow a thriving law practice).

And it’s why I talk about mindset so often - including on this week’s Life & Law Podcast.

If you want to stop holding yourself back, listen to How Your Mindset Impacts Your Results >>>here.

You - and only you - have control over your thoughts. Take control of your thoughts to get better results.



P.S. I've been a busy bee of late (guesting on other people's podcasts). Once you're finished with today's Life & Law Podcast, check out these too:

Attention Private Practice Lawyers Wanting More

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Here’s what former ELEVATE member Jim Chester (who increased his book of business by $200,000) has to say: “Work with Heather to get to the next level without losing yourself in the process.”

There are only 8 spots available. Make one of them yours.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.