Subject: Why the guilt? Better yet, how to stop it?

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Now, on to the good stuff...
Today's article is about mom-guilt.  Or maybe I should call it parent-guilt (because, although men don't fall prey to this quite as much as women do, some certainly feel this way too).

Do you ever feel guilty because:
  • you want to work (and actually enjoy it)?
  • you feel like you're supposed to always put your kids above your professional goals (yet don't want to)?
  • you desire career or business success and feel like that's not possible while parenting?
Because this comes up in my coaching so often, I know that for many of you this guilt is ever-present.

Listen up (because this is important): there’s nothing wrong with wanting to achieve something outside of being a parent.  Having kids doesn’t mean you’re supposed to check your dreams at the door for the next 18+ years.

Besides, you can be a good mom or dad while also achieving much within your career.  It doesn’t have to be an either/or thing.

If you ever grapple with this guilt, it's time to STOP it. And to help you do that, go read 7 Tips for Practicing Guilt-Free Living as a Working Mom.

You deserve to be able to ditch the guilt and enjoy being a working mom or dad.

P.S.  Don't let yourself continue to feel guilty about working - or wanting to be your own person - just because you decided to have kids.  Go read the article now and say goodbye to the guilt.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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