Subject: Why searching for "balance" isn't working (and what to do instead)

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Friend, are you on a never-ending search for more "balance" in your life?

I'm talking about the often discussed (yet rarely found) work-life balance.  That thing that almost everyone wants, searches for, and follows conventional wisdom on how to get. 

You know the typical strategies I'm talking about.  Learning to manage your time better.  Implementing productivity strategies.  Having a more flexible work schedule (maybe even working from home more).

Let me ask you something...

How well are these "solutions" working for you?

Early in my legal career, I was convinced that if I just learned to manage my time better, implement some killer productivity strategies, and work from home more often, I'd finally get to that mythical place of "balance".

Unfortunately, things kept getting worse (not better). So, what did I do?  I doubled down on them, of course. And kept getting the same results.

Eventually, I realized that "balance" is impossible (at least in the traditional sense of equalizing two sides of a see-saw).  And that was actually freeing - because it allowed me to question whether that's what I even wanted.

It turns out that I didn't need or want to be "balanced".  I wanted something else entirely.

Peace of mind. Replacing chaos with calm. Freedom. Energy. Space to think. More time. Career AND personal success (at the same time). Fulfillment. The ability to make a positive impact.

None of that involves balancing one piece of my life with the rest of it.

What if "balance" isn't what you're looking for either?  Could it be that you've been led down a false trail of "fixes" by trying to find something you don't even want (or need)?

For more about this (and how to start finding what you really want), read my new article published by Purpose Fairy entitled Why Searching for Balance Isn't Working (and What to Focus on Instead).

If you're ready to STOP searching for balance and instead finally figure out what you want (and go get it), go read the article now.  In it, you'll find out:
  • Why traditional work-life balance "solutions" aren't solving your problems (and may actually be making things worse)
  • The 3 things you're really looking to find instead of "balance" (I call them the 3 P's)
  • 3 solutions that will help you find what you're really looking for.
It's time to challenge traditional thinking on this and get to where you really want to be.  So, go read the article and let me know your thoughts if it hits a chord with you.  Also, do a girl a favor and SHARE it with your friends and family if you like it (I'd truly appreciate your support).

Until next time...

P.S. If you're ready to take control and start LIVING your life (instead of simply existing), don't forget to schedule your Clarity + Confidence Makeover Assessment with me ASAP (because I'm only offering this to you for the remainder of this week).  In this call, we'll dive into (1) what's holding you back from making changes to your life you KNOW you need, and (2) how to take the first step to get into action so that you can begin uncovering your path forward and live life YOUR WAY.  Go here to schedule your call now.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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