Subject: Why do you do this?

October 2019. I had decided to pivot my coaching practice to serve ONLY attorneys, and my coach said “I have just one question."

There was a long pause, which made me nervous (he was great at asking tough questions).


Whew! The answer was easy...

I knew I wanted to serve my profession. It was my turn to give back to it. Because I know how deeply most attorneys - like you - care.

About your clients.

About your community.

About the bigger picture.

It’s why you chose to be an attorney in the first place. But you can't make the impact you want when you feel like you have to sacrifice yourself in the process.

Did you know that...

More than 50% of attorneys say they’re stressed all or most of the time. And 74% of surveyed attorneys say the profession has had a negative impact on their mental health?

This isn't okay. It must change.

It is why I do the work that I do.

Are you in one of the groups above, wondering "What's the point"? Take a couple of minutes to reconnect to your values. They are your guide to getting back to where you want to be and feel.

And have a good support network you can reach out to. To talk about your struggles, get feedback and seek out advice.

Whatever you do, don’t bottle it all up and go it alone.

One of the simplest and most effective things you can do to decrease stress and anxiety is to start talking about how you feel to other attorneys you trust.

Which leads me to my mastermind, ELEVATE.

Within ELEVATE you’ll reconnect to the things that made you want to be a lawyer in the first place (your values) while getting the support you need to create the practice you want.

All while refocusing on what's important to you...

Serving others

Making an impact




There is no greater joy than growing a business you’re proud of while staying true to yourself.

That’s what ELEVATE helps you to do. And the clock is ticking (applications close soon).

Learn more about and apply for ELEVATE >>>here.



P.S. Not interested at this time? Tap here to opt-out of ELEVATE-specific emails.

P.P.S. Regardless of your thoughts on ELEVATE, there’s a deeper message here. Use it to your benefit, Friend.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.