Subject: Why do we do this?

It’s Thanksgiving week here in the US.

Which means a waterfall of sales emails from every company you’ve ever purchased anything from. So that you’ll buy their stuff.

I operate an online business. So, I (kind of) get it.

[Doesn't mean I have to like it, though].

Statistics show that - despite our wealth and opportunities - Americans are becoming less happy.

Perhaps we’re focusing on all the wrong things…




Material Comforts

These things are nice to have. But they're not what make you happy, Friend.

Something I discovered back when I had breast cancer. Because suddenly none of the things above mattered.

And I had to figure out how to enjoy living in the here-and-now despite my cancer diagnosis, how horrible I felt and not knowing whether treatment would even work to keep me alive.

That's when I started practicing gratitude, and discovered why it's scientifically proven to make you happier.

Join me on the podcast >>>here for a practical guide on how to incorporate more gratitude into your life (with a simple gratitude meditation at the end). It's time to discover the benefits of gratitude yourself.



P.S. Once done with your gratitude meditation, take it even further by listening to the Master Your Mindset Sessions (for FREE). It's my gift to you this Thanksgiving.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Learn about how here.