Subject: Where you are vs. what you wanted

Here's how to finish the year strong regardless of where you are versus where you wanted to be.

It’s mid-October and Halloween is around the corner. We're (unbelievably) closing in on year-end.

Which means it’s time for reflection around your goals and your progress towards your goals (so you can finish this year strong and start next year even stronger).

Perhaps this year has been great because you’ve met (even exceeded) your goals and/or taken advantage of exciting opportunities.

Or maybe it hasn’t been a good year at all because things haven’t worked out as planned (for whatever reason).

It might have been a mixed-bag kind of year.

Regardless of which camp you’re in, take stock by answering the following questions:

  • Where did you want (or expect) to be at this point?

  • Where are you, actually?

  • What can you start doing NOW to move yourself forward?

You don’t need to take a huge leap forward immediately. Just identify one step that will get you moving in the right direction.

Then commit to doing that one thing within the next 24-48 hours.

And if you don't take action now, reconsider whether it's time to let go of the vision you've been stubbornly holding onto and replace it with one that fits the life you’re actually living.

There’s no sense in unwittingly creating stress for yourself by holding onto a vision you refuse to live.



P.S. If you’re a lawyer or online entrepreneur, this week’s podcast is a must-listen. Catch my interview with Jay Harrington to discover how to become a thought leader here.

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Learn how ELEVATE Attorney Mastermind can help you do that here:

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.