Subject: Where are you on your 2019 goals?

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Now, on to the good stuff...

Can you believe that it's already October, Friend?

You may not want me to, but I've got to ask. . . how are you doing when it comes to your big goals for this year?

Regardless of whether or not you're going to meet (or exceed) them, you still have time to end your year strong.  

Today, I have 3 quick thoughts to help you cultivate the right mentality so that you can finish on a high note regardless of where you are on your path to achievement.

#1: How you choose to think will determine how far you get.

You have things you wanted to achieve by the end of the year, and only so much time left.  It's easy to allow your thoughts to go into overdrive, which then pushes your behavior into overdrive.  

Don't do it!

This internally created pressure will only lead you into a rinse + repeat cycle of do more, work harder.  And that means more stress and overwhelm, making it harder to achieve your goals.

Which leads me to. . .

#2: What matters is how you finish, not whether it's possible to meet your original goal.

Sometimes, it's just not possible to meet the goals you set for yourself.  Life gets in the way.  Goals are sometimes too big.  You don't have control over everything.  And sometimes you get off track.

You can't control what's already happened, but you CAN control how you move forward from here.

The point is to be realistic about where you are and determine how best to move forward to finish strong.

Just don't give up, because. . .

#3: There's no magic deadline when December 31st hits.

There's a phenomenon that many high-achievers fall prey to when it comes to goal setting and achievement.  I call it the New Year, Fresh Start syndrome.

There's an assumption that the new year will bring a fresh start, renewed energy, and better ability to get things done.  And so you push anything off until then that you feel you can't finish by the end of this year.

Here's the thing: you can renew your energy now and finish strong, making it more likely that you'll achieve that goal early next year.  

Besides, by pushing things off you can do now you're creating a mentality around it that you can't do it (and making it less likely that you're ever going to achieve it).

Now it's time to commit!  Hit reply now and tell me what you're committing to do so that you can finish your goals for the year on a high note.

Oops (I messed up)

Before you go, I have a confession to make. . .

Last week I told you about the Effortless Self-Care Mastermind, a mastermind experience to help you prioritize your well-being and up-level your ability to succeed (both in your career and in life).

The application process was supposed to close last Friday, and I meant to send you a reminder about that. I'm embarrassed to tell you that I messed up (the email never went out).

So - -  I'm extending the application deadline to tomorrow evening.

If you were on the fence and didn't jump in, this is your chance. If you have questions or need more info, hit reply now and ask away. I promise to get back to you quickly.

Applying doesn't obligate you to join. It's an opportunity to get your questions answered and for us to see if you'd be a good fit for the group.

As a reminder, this is a 3-month mastermind experience (meeting 6 times over that time period) with a group of curated individuals custom-picked to help you succeed. You can learn more about it here or by hitting reply and asking me whatever questions you have.

Apply now if interested or even thinking about it.


P.S.  No matter what you decide around the mastermind, remember that your success (including your ability to achieve your big goals) is 100% dependent on your willingness to prioritize your own well-being.  So be SURE that you do that!
About Heather

I’m a certified coach and recovering attorney who works with smart, savvy professionals committed to their success and happiness.

Step-by-step, I help you achieve a balanced lifestyle doing work you love without sacrificing or settling.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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