Subject: When you doubt everything, do this [success strategy inside]

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Now, on to the good stuff...

Sometimes stuff happens and life doesn't go as planned...

You end up doubting yourself, don't you Friend?

Today, we're going to talk about what to do not just when that happens, but as a long-term strategy so you don't end up doubting yourself in the first place.  It's your Inside-Out Success Strategy for the week.

Inside-out success is about:
  • achieving career success on your own terms without sacrificing your personal health, happiness, or relationships;
  • having a real life that’s enjoyable without feeling like you’ve settled in your career or business;
  • having confidence in yourself and your decisions; and
  • knowing that you're on the right path for YOU.
You might be thinking that sounds great but... impossible.  But I’m here to tell you that it IS POSSIBLE.

Before you accuse me of being an unrealistic Pollyanna, let me make something clear…
  • Life is hard; 
  • Crap happens (especially when you least expect it); and
  • Failure is part of life.
And boy do I understand all of this. 

I grew up with a single (and alcoholic) mother with a penchant for men who liked to abuse her. Putting myself through college and law school was hard (and quite expensive). And trust me when I say that getting breast cancer at age 38 (with two little ones at home) wasn’t part of my master plan.

And failure? I’ve made so many mistakes in life that I’d be writing this email for the next few years if I were to list even half of them.

Not only that, I’ve learned the hard way that hard work doesn’t guarantee success. You can work the hardest and want it more yet still not get what you want. Because life’s not fair (and never will be).

Despite all this, you can still succeed in life. Success isn’t so much about your destination, but about who you are and how you feel about yourself and your efforts.

Life is about trade-off’s. There will rarely be the “perfect” choice. But you can make a choice you feel good about because it's grounded in what you want out of life, who you are, and the knowledge you have at that time.

There are several aspects to this, but the one I want to talk about today is your mentality.  Because you must get to a place where you're:
  • comfortable with imperfection + failure;
  • happy with where you are despite the fact that you're striving to grow, learn, and achieve;
  • curious about and open to new things; and
  • willing to act courageously despite your fears.
So, how do you do this?

Inside-Out Success Strategy: Always practice the ABC’s (especially when things don’t go as expected).

A = Accept what is. Don’t ignore or pretend. And don’t get caught up in obsessing over the “what if’s” or “if only”. Accept and move on.

B = Believe in yourself and your potential. Just because things don’t go as planned doesn’t mean that you don’t have it in you or that your abilities have changed. Stay strong and steadfast in who you are and what you believe to help keep you going.

C = Commit to yourself and your vision. Don't let one setback derail you.  It's part of life and you get to choose to keep going regardless.  Make that choice.

You might not always get what you want, but you'll be much more successful when practicing the ABC's.

And as a reminder, don't forget to join me this Thursday morning at 11:30 am CST for a FREE Goals with Purpose Workshop.  In this workshop you'll learn how to set goals that will motivate you to achieve them while having fun along the way.  

Purpose-based goals are REQUIRED if you want to achieve success from the inside-out, so be sure to join us.

Please note: although I will *try* to record the workshop, there are no guarantees with technology.  So, if your'e interested and you can't make the time please sign up and I'll do my best to send you the recording.  I'll only send the recording to folks who indicate they're interested.

So what do you say, Friend? Are you in?

(Tap here and you're in!)

Until next time,

P.S. To set goals with purpose, you must have clarity around your core personal values.  If you're not 100% clear on what they are and EXACTLY what they mean to you, then download your free copy of the Inner Compass Values Assessment workbook.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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