Subject: What's your plan?

From the time I was 12, I’ve always had a plan for how to achieve my goals, structure my day and stay on track for all the things I wanted.

Like most lawyers, I need structure and consistency. And don’t enjoy surprises all that much (unless they’re good ones that don’t ruin my plans).

Do you see the problem?

There’s always something that changes - or worse, ruins - my plans, such as:

  • Going on bed rest (twice!).

  • Dealing with the 2008 financial crisis (right after making partner).

  • Getting cancer at age 38.

  • Deciding to leave law to start a new business.

  • The COVID shutdowns.

What I’ve learned is that planning is still important. It’s how I get back on track when unexpected things happen.

But I can’t be married to the plan. Instead, I see it as a roadmap that provides structure and helps me strategically pivot when life happens.

[Hint: this is a mindset shift more than anything].

How about you, Friend? What mindset shift can you make to help you be more flexible - even use your plan to help you pivot as needed?



P.S. Having a good business plan is foundational to long-term business growth and success. And that means you must have a flexible plan (one that enables you to pivot appropriately when "life" happens).

Learn how to create such a plan in today's podcast >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.