Subject: What's the point to all this?

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Life is messy yet beautiful.  It's time to find the beauty amidst all the chaos.
Have you ever wondered "what’s the point of trying to achieve so much when I'm not really enjoying it"? 

Success (and all its trappings) can be exhausting, overwhelming. . . even depleting.  

Yet you put on a smile and pour another glass of wine to deal with the stress while posting a picture on Instagram that shows everyone how "great" things are.

Success can feel a little fake, can't it Friend?  

Then there’s the other side where people seem envious of your achievements – and you feel a bit ashamed and guilty for wanting more fun, more fulfillment, and more freedom (while at the same time wanting less of just about everything else).

The fact is that there’s truth in both sides. There’s reason to be thankful for all you’ve achieved yet there’s nothing wrong in wanting more meaning, more happiness, and more freedom in your life.

So where does that leave you? What can you do? The answer is simple (and is my Success Tip for the week, so listen up):

Inside-Out Success Tip: You do what works for you, for your family, and for your beliefs. Some people will always misunderstand you and your intentions. But so long as you know what’s real, true, and honest for you, then you can never go wrong.

But what if you've lost sight of what's real, true, and honest for you?

That’s EXACTLY why I created the Course Correction Masterclass, a group coaching program designed to help you get clarity around what's real and true for you, replace self-doubt with self-confidence, and create success on your own terms.  Because you deserve to feel energized by your life instead of depleted by it.

This group coaching program will teach you the techniques and skills you need to intuitively and confidently make the right decisions for yourself and your family no matter what’s going on in life (because let’s face it, life can sometimes be difficult and messy).

Decisions that will help you prioritize what’s important to you, such as…
  • Family
  • Making an impact in the world
  • Freedom
  • Helping others
By putting what you stand for at the center, you can rest assured that you’ll finally feel at peace with yourself and your decisions.

That’s what the Course Correction Masterclass allows you to do.  If you’ve got questions, hit reply and ask away.

And if you already know what's true for you, then a huge CONGRATS to you (because many don't).  Your next step is to ask yourself what you can do to live it more fully.  It's time to give yourself permission so that you don't end up with big regrets.

Believing in you!
P.S. Want to chat about whether the Masterclass is a fit for you? Schedule your no obligation consult with me here.

P.P.S.  Not interested in the Masterclass at this time?  No worries.  Go here to stop hearing about it this go-round.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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