Subject: What you wanted vs. reality

Can you believe that we're (almost exactly) half-way through 2022?

I know what you're thinking...Where has the time gone?

Which might be followed by anxiety because you're not where you expected to be at this point.

Perhaps you're struggling in unexpected ways.

As a high-achiever, your reflex is to double down. To work even harder.

I'm here to ask you to NOT do that Friend.

Instead, make reenergizing your #1 priority for the entire month of July (yes, really).

Give yourself more space to think and just BE. Because your brain needs that space to refocus and think creatively (which will help you make what you want a reality).

Slowing down in this way means you're committed to BOTH you and your goals.

So, what should you do with your R&R time?

Do whatever puts a smile on your face, relaxes you and/or increases your energy levels.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Going for a daily walk.

  • Reading a book.

  • Playing board games with family.

  • Going to a waterpark and letting loose (like you did when you were 10).

  • Hosting a potluck dinner with friends.

[And of course, watching my 16-year old play summer baseball in the (searing hot) Texas sun].

Ready to achieve your big 2022 goals without hustling harder? Book a call with me >>>here to find out how I can help.⠀⠀⠀



P.S. If you're an attorney thinking... I'm not sure I want to be practicing law any more, you need to listen to this week's Life & Law Podcast episode.

In this week's episode I interview Sarah Cottrell (host of The Former Lawyer Podcast) to talk about how to know whether it's time to change employers or leave law altogether. Go >>>here to listen.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.