Subject: What you should know about coaching

Be authentically you.

Discover your best self.

Unlock your fullest potential.

This is typical coach-speak for what coaching can do for you.

But what do these things mean, Friend?

I’m a coach yet can’t tell you.

Because it depends - on your values, your priorities and your specific desires/goals.

And let’s be honest, some of this sounds so… Cringe. Like learning to manifest or attract your dream life.

[Sorry, but you don't magically attract or manifest your dream life into existence. Achieving your big dreams takes hard work and there are no guarantees].

People often ask me to explain what coaching is and how it works (in plain English).

Which is why I'm publishing a recent coaches roundtable discussion I participated in as part of my podcast. If you’re curious to know:

  • What to expect when you hire a coach,

  • The specific types of things you can work on with a coach, and/or

  • How coaching works,

This week’s Life & Law Podcast episode is for you.

We also get into how to find the right coach (because not everyone will be the right fit for you or the outcome you want).

Listen now >>>here.



P.S. Ready to work with a coach to get some of the specific results talked about on today’s show? Here’s where to schedule a quick chat to find out how I can help.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.