Subject: What you have a right to

Resentful for someone else’s (seemingly) easy success. A little bit bitter it didn’t happen for you. Ashamed for even feeling this way.

I’ve had more than a few conversations with clients going through this exact thing the past few months.

What they’re surprised to hear is that it’s 100% okay to feel and think these things. There’s no reason to feel ashamed. Or apologize for how they feel.

Because they have a right to their feelings.

And so do you, Friend. You have a right to your feelings too.

But please don’t mistake that right with a right to take your feelings out on other people.

Because - although you could do that - I don't recommend it (nothing good ever comes from it).

The good news is that you can learn to regulate your emotions and reactions. You can even change WHAT you think (thereby diminishing the times these negative feelings come up).

Want to learn how?

Find out in Episode #73 of the Life & Law Podcast >>> here.

Learning how to manage your emotions is an important skill (anyone can learn). It will impact your relationships, how you're perceived and how you show up - in every area of your life.

So, do yourself a favor and have a quick listen.



P.S. Want help with managing your emotions so you can become an effective leader (of self and others)? Schedule a call to find out how I can help here:

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.