Subject: What you deserve to feel

Energized. Effective. Impactful.

It’s how you want to feel. How you want to BE.

And what you deserve, Friend.

And yet, if you're like most high-achievers, you probably feel:








Surviving (barely!).

Maybe you even feel like you’re burning out.

Something I’ve noticed in my new clients (who also use these same words) is that they’re laser focused on time.

They obsess over - and compare - where they spend their time (usually how much time at work versus at home).

And they believe flexibility (in how they choose to utilize their time) is the key to having more balance.

There’s just one problem: they’re wrong.

I’m not saying having flexibility isn’t nice. It can even be helpful.

But it’s not the solution to what’s ailing you, Friend.

How often do you leave early to go to that doctor’s appointment… To log back into work after putting the kids to bed (until 2 in the morning)?

When working from home, how often do you feel compelled to do just one more thing before logging off… And find yourself still working 2 hours later?

Without standards for yourself and clear boundaries (that you actually enforce), flexibility is meaningless.

Balance has little to do with time itself. It’s about how you feel. Are you feeling energized or drained?

Focus on how to protect and increase your energy levels. Because you CAN feel energized (and not drained) even when:

  • Working longer-than-usual hours to close a big deal.

  • In the middle of a harrowing trial.

  • Going live on a project (you’ve been working overtime on for the past few weeks).

To learn how to do that, listen to Episode 104 of the Life & Law Podcast, where I dish about how to protect and maintain your energy levels no matter what’s going on at work, within your life or in the world.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.