Subject: What to do when you can't get what you want

Discover what to do when you realize you can't achieve what you wanted (that will help you move forward stronger).

Ever set a big goal you really wanted and not achieve it?

[No worries, it happens to all of us].


  • You missed a revenue goal for your business,

  • A colleague got the promotion you were working towards,

  • You didn't get your book published (and are thinking of abandoning it), or

  • Something else,

It happens.

What then?

You could walk away and stop thinking about it forever. You could also steer clear of setting big goals in the future (hoping you'll never end up in this position again).

But I don't recommend either option, Friend.

Listen to this week’s Life & Law Podcast >>>here to find out what to do when you can’t get what you want.

You'll learn how to turn it into a positive for success in the long-run.



P.S. Have you set your 2023 goals yet? If not, be sure to listen to this recent goal-setting workshop to set motivating 2023 goals you're more likely to achieve.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Learn about how here.