Subject: What the self-help experts won't tell you

There are a lot of so-called self-help experts who tell you to think positive thoughts so that you can attract what you want and manifest your dream life.

There's just one problem. . . research doesn't back any of that up.

You have to work hard to succeed.  And even then, nothing is guaranteed.

Achieving your big dreams isn't as easy as most would have you believe.

But that doesn't mean that going after your dreams isn't worthwhile. 

The truth is: hard work brings meaning to your life.  It can even be fun.

Research shows that those who focus on growing, learning and improving (what's called a growth-oriented mindset) are more hopeful and resilient.

And they're more likely to succeed at their endeavors.

That's why so much of what I focus on (here and with my clients) revolves around your mindset.

But what if things feel hopeless?

2020 hasn't turned out the way any of us expected or wanted. And it's clear there are big, complicated issues to deal with.

I'm seeing a lot of people paralyzed by it all, feeling hopeless.

The problem with that is that you're not truly living (nor are you capable of dealing with life's current challenges) when in that space.  And you're depriving everyone of your abilities and perspective).

If cancer taught me anything it's that life keeps on (no matter what).  And you owe it to yourself and others to LIVE.

So, what do you do?

Re-frame problems or threats into challenges (to be solved).

Make it a game if you like, where you're the hero battling against your challenge.  I know that sounds silly, but it works because your brain LOVES to win at games (and to prove others wrong).

You're not where you want to be (nor is the world) - and 2020 has brought with it new challenges.  But that doesn't mean you (and society) can't end up in a better place 

Making that happen starts with your mindset.

What to expect moving forward.

We've all gotten a million emails from companies telling us what they're doing differently because of the civil unrest here in the U.S.  

But I'm not sending you one of those emails, Friend, because I don't think telling you all that is truly going to help you.

I see my role as helping you to take action to make both the world and your life better.  Change starts from within each one of us.  And that can only come by:
  • Understanding and working to change your perspective (which we addressed last week).
  • Creating resilience and courage so that you can face the task ahead (today's email is a starting point for that).
For the rest of June, you'll receive two email lessons every week designed to help you move forward.  

You'll never be perfect, but you can commit to always being and doing better.  That's all it takes (and something you absolutely can do).

Before you go, be sure to put today's lesson into action by hitting reply and telling me how you're re-framing a problem (or threat) into a challenge to be solved.  I promise to get back to you with tips!



P.S.  Be on the lookout for this Friday's email, where I'll teach you a simple exercise for dealing with the difficult emotions and feelings that come with change.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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