Subject: What should you be doing?

Here's what I tell new business clients when they first come my way...

You do not have to speak to grow your business. Or write articles (or post on LinkedIn). And no, you don’t have to attend big conferences (or a million BAR events).

Because you do not have to do all the things. But you DO need to do something.

The good news is that “something” can (dare I say, should) be something you enjoy and are pretty good at.

When you do something you enjoy and are good at, that means you'll do it well. And it also means you're more likely to be consistent.

Which is what creates real results.

The lesson applies to you too, Friend. Even if you're not in private practice (or not an attorney at all).

Don’t let your lizard brain tell you that you must do it all or that it's all-or-nothing.

You'll get better results (in whatever you're doing) by taking focused, consistent action. Which is much more likely to happen if you're not overcommitted, overwhelmed, and overburdened.

Just be you, do you.

Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.


P.S. Are you a private practice attorney struggling with balancing your billable vs. nonbillable work? Discover the proper balance between billable and nonbillable hours in today's podcast here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.