Subject: What room are you in?

Women often talk about wanting a “seat at the table”.

But before even thinking about pulling up a chair to the table (or breaking the glass ceiling of any particular room), you'll want to ensure you're in the right room.

Because getting a seat at the wrong table within the wrong room surrounded by the wrong people doesn't mean much.

[This goes for everyone - whether woman or man].

Are you in a room with people you trust?

Who inspire you to live boldly?

Who believe in your vision?

Who challenge you to grow?

Who encourage you to keep going?

Who teach you to be better, faster, smarter?

Who will celebrate with you (and point out the accomplishments you don't see)?

Surround yourself with people who will help you BE the person you want to be, Friend.

Because the room you're in is a reflection of your actual priorities. And the people within that room help shape your success (and failures).

Before I go, a quick note about going solo, trying to “prove” you can do it on your own...

Stop it.

You’re not wired to go it alone.

As my former client (and member of my mastermind, ELEVATE) Sabrina put it…“I’ve always believed I needed to figure everything out on my own, but now I know that’s not true.”

It's time for you to realize the same thing.

Going solo to prove yourself means stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Along with slower progress.

Be in the right room and then utilize the people within this room to accelerate your personal and professional growth.



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ELEVATE The Room You're In For Building Your Law Practice

ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind is the place for it. Within ELEVATE you'll:

  • Be supported by peers who understand your struggles and always have your back.

  • Get knowledge & guidance from an expert who’s been in your shoes (and prevailed).

  • Be inspired, challenged and encouraged to make your big, bold dreams a reality.

Learn more about and join the waitlist for early enrollment into ELEVATE here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.