Subject: What kind of life do you want, Friend?

How often do you grind over decisions and/or worry about whether you've made the right call?

All that worrying is paralyzing, isn't it? It saps your energy, exacerbates your fears and makes it more difficult to make your next decision. 

As one of my former clients used to say. . . it steals the joy right out of living.

But here's the thing, Friend:
  • Not making a choice is choosing (and it's ALWAYS the wrong choice).
  • Every choice has tradeoffs (and just because you haven't clearly identified what they are doesn't mean that they don't exist).
Gaining control over how you think is the key to accomplishing what you want - this year and beyond.  

Because struggle, pain and setbacks bring clarity, growth and improvement (and ultimately success).  But only if you're open to that.

Instead of getting caught up in all the 'what if's' that could go wrong, ask yourself better questions such as:
  • What might you lose out on if you don't try?
  • What regrets will you have if you don't go all-in?
  • How do you know what you're capable of if you don't go for it?
  • How will you feel while watching others accomplish the things you want?
You (and you alone) are responsible for your happiness.



P.S. Building a resilient, growth mindset is the foundation to all that I do. No matter whether you're a partner wanting to grow your law practice, a financial consultant who wants a more balanced life, or an executive wanting to be a more confident leader. It all starts from within.

P.P.S. If you're done with letting fear, worry and self-doubt steal your joy and are ready to go all-in on your career and life, here's how I can help.

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About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.

Lover of queso & dark chocolate who's on a mission to help lawyers + other driven professionals reignite the spark that made you choose your career in the first place.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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