Subject: What is success to you?

I skipped dates and parties to study, asked questions often in class and attended every tutor time my professor held.

I’ve never been so happy to receive a passing grade (even though it’s the worst grade I’ve ever gotten in anything).

[I’m pretty sure I passed only because my professor took pity on me].

I was lost, and felt like I didn’t belong (because I didn’t).

So, imagine my surprise when I felt that way just 1 year into my legal career.

A career I’d wanted since I was 10. A career I’d gone into debt for. A career I seemed perfect for (at least, according to everyone who knew me).

How could I feel like I didn’t belong here?

I did what I knew - work harder, keep going.

Until I couldn’t do that anymore.

Thankfully, I realized I DID belong. It’s just that I needed a better framework for success.

What I’ve learned over the years is that success is created from the inside-out. And I’ve created a framework for how to do that. One that can be tailored to each person’s specific values, needs and wants.

Today, I’m wrapping up Season 2 of the Life & Law Podcast. And in this final episode, I’m sharing my success framework with you, Friend.

Learn how to create success from the inside-out >>>here so you can be content (dare I say, happy) in your career and life.



P.S. What was the class that gave me so much trouble? Astronomy. Given how much I struggled with physics in high school, I should have known better (since Astronomy is physics).

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.