Subject: What are you willing to do?

I want to scale my practice (said a client).

Maybe you haven't heard it expressed quite this way but it's how most attorneys talk about growth. When they want to grow their client base and revenues, they usually say they want to "scale".

Although scaling sounds nice, the act of scaling isn't easy because it requires specific activities that get lawyers outside of their comfort zones.

Things like asking for referrals, marketing their business and hiring help to support their growth.

That last one is the hardest thing of all.

Most lawyers aren't good about taking the risk to hire someone before they can fully afford them (but they can't ever get to fully affording them unless they hire).

It means uncertainty. And risk.

Which is why so many attorneys who talk about wanting to scale never actually do it.

It's not enough to want something. You must also be willing to do the work to make that something happen.

And no, doing the work won't guaranty the something will happen either. But it will at least get you closer.

This lesson applies to any area of personal or professional growth, whether you want to:

  • Better a frayed relationship,

  • Stop over-spending and start saving for your future,

  • Find a better/different job,

  • Grow your law practice, or

  • Something else entirely.


Is there something you keep thinking about that could make life better, more meaningful and so on?

It's time to ask yourself what you're willing to do to make it happen.

That's your starting point for taking action (and also figuring out if you want it enough to make - or at least try to make - it happen).

Because want and willingness aren't the same thing, Friend.



P.S. Are you an attorney who wants to scale YOUR practice? Find out what it takes in this week's Life & Law Podcast with guest Katie Lipp >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.