Subject: What are you tolerating, Friend?

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Now, on to the good stuff...

The subject line says it all (but I'll repeat myself once more for effect):

What are you tolerating, Friend?

Before your brain goes into overdrive, let's get clear around what I'm talking about.

A toleration is something that you put up with that's distracting you from stuff that's more important.  It's something that you're...putting up with, accepting (yet bothered by), taking on (that you don't want), and/or dragged down by.

A toleration can relate to something relatively small or something really BIG.  And it can be caused by a host of things, such as:
  • unmet needs
  • boundaries that consistently get crossed
  • minor frustrations
  • messiness
  • other people's behavior
  • your own behavior
Here are some examples (both big and small):
  • a messy closet
  • not having a spare key for your car
  • tripping over your kids' (or dogs') toys every morning
  • needy relatives that drain you
  • a boss that often yells at you
  • a long commute to work that's draining you
You're devoting a lot of brain power to what you're tolerating.  And that's distracting you from what's most important to YOU.  What's worse is that they're creating negative feelings within.

And your feelings are what determine how you behave and your decisions.

That's why it's important to understand what you're tolerating.

Your Success Strategy for the Week

Create a toleration list (or even two: one for work and one for your personal life).  For each toleration, be specific about what it is and why it bothers you.  

Also, think about how it's affecting your day-to-day life.  Is it draining you, causing you anger and/or frustration, making you resentful, distracting you from more important things, etc.?

Keep your list(s) handy and keep adding things as they come up.

When it comes to "small" things that are on your list, don't be fooled by their simplicity.  Although they might be easier to fix, they're still cluttering your mind and distracting you.

And when it comes to "bigger" stuff, pay close attention to them.  You might be aware they exist yet unaware of their full impact on you and your life.

Next Steps

Awareness is the most important step. That's because you're tolerating more than you think, and the simple act of articulating what they are will help spur you to naturally fix, eliminate, and resolve them.

That being said, I suggest you dedicate some time each week to getting rid of tolerations. Start with simple ones that can be done easily to build your confidence and move up from there.

By getting rid of just a few, you'll quickly create more positive energy in your life, free up space for clarity, and reduce stress levels.

Before you go...

Hit reply to this email and tell me one thing that you've been tolerating that you're zapping this week.  This will help you make a commitment and stick to it.  Plus, I'll give you some pointers to help you zap your toleration for good!

P.S.  If you haven't yet downloaded your FREE copy of 5-Minute Stress Solutions, why the heck not?  This is your last chance (at least for a while) to get these 8 proven practices to help you quickly relieve stress and feel happier, more confident, and in control.  Get direct access here.
On the Blog

Have you read these yet...?

For the working moms who suffer from guilt over working: 10 Realistic Tips to Mothering Without Guilt While Excelling In Your Career.  You'll learn how to stop the guilt and instead feel good about yourself + your decisions.

For those whose happiness levels go down the more "successful" you are, read Why Building Self-Confidence Is Important to Being Happily Successful so that you feel happier and more in control while achieving the career success you want.

For anyone struggling with creating more balance, read How to Measure Work Life Balance Without Feeling Discouraged.  This will guide you to how to make it better.
Uncage Your Life

If you're unhappy in your career yet haven't done anything about it because you can't stop thinking "what if", "I can't", and "that's just not possible", this is for you.

With Uncage Your Life, you'll:
  • Parse through all those competing thoughts and get real about what's got you feeling stuck in indecision and self-doubt.
  • Discover ways to get past your roadblocks and start taking action to do something already.
  • Create a clear plan of action with your next few steps so that you can stop feeling trapped and instead move your career and life forward.
About Heather

I’m a certified coach and recovering attorney who specializes in helping smart, savvy professionals achieve success on their own terms doing what they love without burning out or settling. 

Utilizing evidence-based tools and knowledge from the fields of neuroscience and psychology, I help my clients overcome overwhelm, get clarity around their path to fulfillment, and ignite their inner confidence and mental resilience to make their vision a reality.

It's time to STOP letting stress, lack of clarity about your career path, and self-doubt keep you stuck in a successful-on-paper yet unfulfilling life.  Learn more about what we can do together.
Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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