Subject: What are you really communicating?

Stop looking in the mirror.

Don’t fold your arms so much.

Look people in the eye when speaking.

Said with love by my grandmother, Mimaw.

She was the embodiment of grace and confidence, and I wanted to learn everything I could from her.

So, I listened... Mostly.

[I never could break the folded-arm habit, as you can clearly see here].

Mimaw taught me that my body language mattered. She also taught me to always dress up (never down).

Because body language and what you wear (plus how you wear it) makes an impression.

And I wanted to control the first impression I made to the best of my ability (it tends to stick and is hard to overcome - especially when you give the wrong impression to someone).

These lessons were not about hiding my personality or style.

On the contrary, what Mimaw taught me was how to show up more fully as me, in a way that showed respect...

...For myself.

...For my body.

...For other people.

Which is why I invited Kerry Heaps - personal stylist, dedicated educator on body language and expert in how to use color to influence business outcomes - onto the podcast this week.

Listen to this insightful (and just plain fun) conversation with Kerry about the power of color persuasion here.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.