Subject: What Is Your ROI?

Are you a private practice lawyer wanting more clients, originations and income?

Not sure where to focus your efforts for maximum return (there are sooo many things you could be doing, which one is the right one)?

Frustrated by your (lack of) business development ROI?

I get it. You want to grow your business (and worry about the impact of a looming recession). But you only have so much time and aren't sure where to focus your efforts.

I have you covered, Friend.

Join me on September 15th for my first Life & Law Learning Series Workshop, where we’ll be talking about how to improve your client development ROI.

Here’s a taste of what we’ll be covering:

  • 5 common client development mistakes (costing you time), and how to correct them.

  • The #1 strategy that is statistically proven to increase ROI by up to 50%.

  • A system to determine what to focus your efforts on (and what to drop).

What should you expect?

I’ll teach. You’ll have space to ask questions. All in the course of one hour (via Zoom). For FREE.

And it's happening at 11:30 AM CST / 12:30 PM EST on September 15th.

All you have to do is register here.

Can’t be there live?

Assuming the tech works properly, I’ll send a recording to everyone who registers. But I highly recommend you attend live (you’ll get a lot more out of the workshop that way).

Here’s to more clients, revenues and income.



P.S. Not in private practice? I’ll be offering future workshops at least quarterly on other topics, such as: emotional intelligence, authentic leadership and goal achievement.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.