Subject: We're myth-busting today

Is work life balance possible? Can you really have it all? And do you believe that success shouldn't require you to sacrifice?

I'm known for my bluntness, so here goes...

  • Work life balance (as most people define it) is a joke.

  • It's impossible to have it all.

  • Sacrifice is a natural part of success (heck, practically every decision you make requires a tradeoff of some sort - which is a form of sacrifice).

What's worse is how society has bought into these 3 myths without even realizing it. Because - in my experience - even those who loudly proclaim not to believe in these myths don't act accordingly.

What about you, Friend?

Do you claim work life balance to be a myth yet feel guilt about how many hours you spend working versus [insert any non-work activity/area of your life]?

How often do you secretly obsess over the seemingly perfect lives of others while claiming that having it all is overrated?

And do you shy away from making decisions that have obvious tradeoffs or rail against having to stay late, work the weekend or (insert the thing you grudgingly did to get ahead at work)?

If this has ever been you then today's Life & Law Podcast was made for you.

Listen to Episode #75 to find out why these 3 myths are making you miserable and how to free yourself from them. Because there's a way out of the chaos.



P.S. Are you a private practice attorney frustrated by your lack of business development ROI? Are you having trouble finding time for proper client development? Be on the lookout for an upcoming free workshop just for you. Details to come in a few days.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.