Subject: Want to become (infinitely) more?

I wasn't getting the credit or being paid even half of what I deserved. And it was (at least partly) my fault.

It was 2014 and my book of business had grown (a lot!).

The problem was that my biggest client had been introduced to me by a colleague and a large majority of the origination credit was given to him as a result.

Which (kind of) made sense initially. I wouldn't have had this client if not for the introduction.

But my hard work grew the relationship from less than $50,000 in annual revenues to over $1.5MM. And I was getting little to no credit for the growth (my colleague was now receiving an annual windfall).

[For those of you who don't know how law firm partners get paid, a large portion is paid out at year-end based on revenues collected from clients they originated (meaning the revenues they actually helped generate)].

How does one fix this?

Go to the person (or committee) that makes the compensation decisions and explain.

Which I'd seen done successfully by many of my (mostly male) colleagues.

Yet I was silent.

I had always been applauded as a team player. Someone who never complains.

And I saw how the female "squeaky wheels" were regarded by BOTH their male and female colleagues (it wasn't pretty).

I also saw management reapportion some of my (usually) male colleagues without ever having to raise the issue and thought "Why should I have to if they didn't?"

So I said nothing (and silently seethed about how unfair it was).

The gender pay gap is real. Not just in the legal world but everywhere.

But it's not just up to the guys to fix this.

I know this will ruffle some feathers but the truth is...

You can't expect others to fight on your behalf of you won't do so for yourself.

One of the hardest things for me to admit is the role I played in my own pay inequality.

But I'm no longer silent.

Even though plenty of former colleagues and attorneys (who might not agree with my take) read this newsletter, I'm here to talk about it. Hopefully to open up a conversation that leads to real progress.

What can you do about it, Friend?

That's what we get into on today's episode of the Life & Law Podcast with the amazing Amy Conway-Hatcher.

Amy is an attorney, warrior career mom and former Big Law equity partner who left her high-paying job to reclaim her life. As the author of Infinitely More, she is on a mission to shine a spotlight on systemic workplace inequities that hold women back.

Amy challenges leaders to take bolder actions to fix uneven playing fields while also advocating for women to stand firmly in control of their careers.

Because we can do better.

If you're ready to become - and help others become - infinitely more, this week's episode is the perfect place to start. Regardless of what you do for a living. Whether you're male or female.

Listen to Becoming Infinitely More >>>here.



P.S. Want expert help to become infinitely more? Book a call to chat about how I can help.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.