Subject: Want to be successful? Stop working so hard.

Do you want to be successful in life? Of course you do (as do we all)!

But what does success mean to you?  How do you define it for yourself?  And have you given it a lot of thought?

You should.  Because how you define success for yourself is the foundational component to whether or not you'll be successful in life.

Before I was diagnosed with cancer, I defined success based on various goals I had for myself.  And based on outward appearances.  I wasn't unhappy, but I always felt as though something was missing. But then cancer hit and it forced me to rethink how I'd been defining success for myself.  I came up with a new way to define it and a process on how to do that. 

And today I'm sharing this process with you.  I call it the GROW Method.  The GROW Method will force you to rethink what success means.  And it will help you be more successful AND happy.  And who doesn't want that?

The GROW Method picks up on something that all successful people know (and when I refer to people who are successful, I'm talking about people who have achieved success AND are happy too).  You're not successful if you don't feel like you're a success.  And that requires you to be happy.

Redefining success using the GROW Method will make it easier to achieve your goals.  And it will make you feel more successful almost immediately.  Who doesn't want that?

For more about the GROW Method and how to use it, hop on over to the blog.  In this article, you'll learn:
  • why redefining success is so important
  • why implementing the GROW Method will make you feel more successful and happy - even before you achieve your goals
  • what each component of the GROW Method means; and
  • a step-by-step process on how to use the GROW Method to redefine success for yourself.
This article is important - for your life and happiness.  So go read it.

With much love,


P.S.  I'm happy to announce that I've been featured in a new article on YourTango entitled 9 Reasons to STOP Trying to Make Your Kids Into Who You Wish They'd Be.  This article has a wealth of information (even without my input), so please read it and share it with your parent friends and family!

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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