Subject: Want to be more productive?

I’ve mastered every time management trick in the book yet I still feel like my time isn’t my own. I'm always behind and don't feel like I'm accomplishing much.


I hear this sentiment often from prospective and new clients.

Most people who say something like this think they need to further hone their time management skills or learn a new productivity hack.

They don’t.

The real problem? Their choices (a/k/a prioritization).

You can be incredibly productive at the things you’re choosing to do yet not feel productive at all (because you're not prioritizing the things that are important to you).

It all starts with what you choose to prioritize. And please note that saying something is a priority doesn’t make it one.

Your priorities ARE the things you prioritize.

Out of my 150 episodes of the Life & Law Podcast, the one episode I wish everyone would listen to is this one because it’s about the mentality you need to prioritize the things you believe are most important.

Proper prioritization is the difference-maker for true happiness.

Have a listen here, Friend, and let me know what you think. Just hit reply and give me your biggest takeaway from the episode.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.