Subject: Want success now (not someday)?

I walked into the meeting hopeful but walked out feeling a bit dejected.

It was October 2007... my first year eligible to be promoted to shareholder in my firm. Because I'd put in the time and had the numbers, I thought I should get promoted.

Instead, I was told that I was one year away. And that I was known to have a "sharp tongue" (that I should work on managing).

[I still don't think this comment was 100% fair because the men in my firm had much sharper tongues than I did. That being said, I can be bluntly honest].

This could have sent me into a spiral of... anger, frustration, and/or resentment.

But it didn't. Because I went into my review 100% open to receiving feedback (no matter how tough it was to hear).

Instead, I processed my emotions and got to work. So that I could do everything possible to ensure that I would be promoted the next year.

[Turns out that you can still be 100% honest without being so sharp-tongued. I'm even happy that I got this feedback because it has helped me as a coach too.]

The lesson?

Be open to hearing criticism - even if the criticism isn't fair because it's not being applied to other people. Because just because it's not fair doesn't make it untrue.

Opening yourself up like this will help you to grow - both personally and professionally. Which will lead to more success.

The best part is that you'll start to perceive yourself differently... As someone who's continuously striving to grow. Which is what success really is, Friend.



P.S. Being open to (and asking for) constructive feedback creates a success mindset that enables you to build toward a better future. Right now.

P.P.S. Are you a partner, shareholder or of counsel attorney preparing for your year-end compensation review? Listen to this week's Life & Law Podcast to find out how to best prepare for it >>>here.

On The Podcast

Ready to create your next level of success + impact in BOTH career and life? Whether you're an attorney - or not - there's something here for you. Check out these recent favorites on the Life & Law Podcast:
About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals reclaim your confidence, retake control and create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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