Subject: Too busy to build your business?

It’s January 2009, and I’m staring at my non-existent collection numbers for the prior year (worrying that my firm will soon fire me). Even though I’d been promoted to be a partner just 1 year earlier.

The 2008 financial crisis had wiped out my book of business.

I felt overwhelmed by the need to devote time to client development while also working for other people (so that I could keep my billables up).

And most of the associates I’d worked with prior to 2008 had left due to the financial crisis, which meant that I was busy… but doing the wrong things for long-term viability.

I’m hearing a lot of the same things right now from my clients.

The pandemic, associate raises and the ever-changing legal landscape are making it much harder to devote time to proper business development.

Yet it still needs to be done if you want a successful future practice, and the money to hire good team members.

What’s the answer? I learned some great lessons, two of which I’d like to share with you today…
  1. Use just a couple of strategies that play to your strengths. This simplifies things while making client development more enjoyable (so you’ll also be more consistent with it).
  2. Follow-up is the secret to long-term success. Having a simple follow-up system will put you ahead of virtually everyone else.
That’s why we focus on these 2 things within ELEVATE, my attorney business mastermind.

But don’t just take it from me. My client Kate, who came into the mastermind feeling overwhelmed and intimidated by business development, left feeling empowered. In her words…

“I discovered that I’d been sidelining myself assuming that I didn’t have time for proper business development. And that small habits can create big changes. The intimidation factor that had been holding me back has been eliminated. I’m now consistent and actually enjoy it!”

Kate is proof that you can:
  • Overcome business development overwhelm.
  • Stay consistent (no matter how busy you get).
  • Go from feeling intimidated by client development to having fun with it.
Don’t keep waiting for the right time (and tactics) to fall into place.

Prioritize the growth of your practice and leadership skills now so that you can build it your way, stay consistent, and have fun while doing it.

Apply for ELEVATE to ensure the future viability of your practice >>> here.

There are limited spots available. Are you in?

Believing in you!


P.S. Not an attorney in private practice? Or just not interested in the Mastermind right now? No problem. Click here and you won’t receive another sales email about it.

About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals confidently create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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